Web Server Load Balancing with NGINX Plus

Owen Garrett

Job title : Sr. Director, Product Management
Company : F5
Owen Garrett

Owen is a senior member of the NGINX Product Management team, covering open source and commercial NGINX products. He holds a particular responsibility for microservices and Kubernetes‑centric solutions. He’s constantly amazed by the ingenuity of NGINX users and still learns of new ways to use NGINX with every discussion.

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Sampling Requests with NGINX Conditional Logging

With NGINX conditional logging, you can log a subset of requests which have defined characteristics. This blog uses it to solve a real-world customer use case: the need to reject obsolete and insecure SSL/TLS ciphers without excluding legitimate users of legacy devices.

Secure Distribution of SSL Private Keys with NGINX

We describe three progressively more secure ways to protect SSL private keys when configuring NGINX to handle HTTPS traffic: allowing read access only to the root user, encrypting keys with separately stored passwords, and distributing passwords from a central repository.

Using NGINX and NGINX Plus with SELinux

When Security-Enhanced Linux (SELinux) is enabled for Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) and related distros, its default settings prevent NGINX and NGINX Plus from performing some operations. This article explains how to modify SELinux settings to permit full functionality.