Web Server Load Balancing with NGINX Plus

Rob Whiteley

Job title : General Manager, NGINX Product Group
Company : F5
Rob Whiteley

Rob Whiteley serves as Chief Marketing Officer of NGINX. He has led marketing, product, and analyst teams for companies like Hedvig, Riverbed, and Forrester. Rob uses his experience working with enterprise IT and DevOps customers to deliver thought leadership and drive demand for modern IT infrastructure solutions.

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NGINX, Istio, and the Move to Microservices and Service Mesh

In this webinar we discuss microservices architectures, and describe how NGINX – a well-known, high-performance web server, reverse proxy server, and load balancer – is also emerging as a widely used microservices hub, as a Kubernetes Ingress controller, and as a sidecar proxy in the Istio service mesh.

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