

mod_zip - an HTTP module for NGINX that assembles ZIP archives dynamically. In simple configurations, mod_zip will take a list of files on the local file system and serve them as a single ZIP archive. In more complex setups, mod_zip can stream component files from upstream servers with NGINX’s native proxying code. Unlike many ZIP creation scripts, the process never takes up more than a few KB of RAM at time, even while assembling archives that are (potentially) hundreds of megabytes.


To install, download the source tarball, expand it, and then compile NGINX with the following option:


NGINX 0.7.25 or greater is required.


The module has no configuration directives. It is activated when the original response (presumably from an upstream) includes the following HTTP header:

X-Archive-Files: zip

It then scans the response body for a list of files. The syntax is a space-separated list of the file checksum (CRC-32), size (in bytes), location (properly URL-encoded), and file name. One file per line. The file location corresponds to a location in your nginx.conf; the file can be on disk, from an upstream, or from another module. The file name can include a directory path, and is what will be extracted from the ZIP file. Example:

1034ab38 428    /foo.txt   My Document1.txt
83e8110b 100339 /bar.txt   My Other Document1.txt

Files are retrieved and encoded in order. If a file cannot be found or the file request returns any sort of error, the download is aborted.

If all files in the list have a CRC-32 value, mod_zip will support the “Range” header for the download. Unknown CRC-32’s should be indicated with a dash (“-“), e.g.

- 428    /foo.txt   My Document1.txt
- 100339 /bar.txt   My Other Document1.txt

Remote Upstreams

You can use the following setup to compose archives from multiple remote servers:

1034ab38 428    /server1/foo.txt   My Document1.txt
83e8110b 100339 /server2/bar.txt   My Other Document1.txt

location ~ "^/(?<srv>server[12])/(?<file>.*txt)" {
    proxy_pass http://$$file


  • add a header “Content-Disposition: attachment;” in the upstream response if you would like the client to name the file “”
  • provide the CRC-32 value for files if you’d like to have maximum compatibility with BOMArchiveHelper (‘Archiver Utility’) and Stuffit Expander.
  • Each line should have no whitespace before the CRC-32 field. At the end of the line, rn. No empty or extra lines.
  • To save bandwidth, add a “Last-Modified” header in the upstream response; mod_zip will then honor the “If-Range” header from clients.
  • Make sure the upstream file list is not gzip compressed (e.g. by Apache).
  • Make sure the upstream file list has a final newline.



  • 1.1.6: Features: Zip64 for large archives, serial subrequests, UTF-8 filenames. Bugfix: Allow spaces in URLs.
  • 1.1.5: Features: “If-Range” support, Range support with local files. Bugfix: NGINX 0.7.25 compatibility.
  • 1.1.4: Feature: Range end is optional (e.g. “bytes=0-“). Bugfix: compilation error on FreeBSD.
  • 1.1.3: Feature: optional CRC-32’s. Bugfix: support on Mac OS X. Bugfix: occasional crash when file returned 404.
  • 1.1.2: Bugfix: Compilation error with NGINX 0.6 series.
  • 1.1.1: Bugfix: Compilation error on certain platforms.
  • 1.1.0: Feature: Full byte-range support. Change: New file list syntax.


  • 1.0.1: Initial public release
  • 1.0.2: Bugfix: Fixed compilation with no --with-http-debug flag
  • 1.0.3: Feature: support for Content-Length when X-Archive-Files-* headers are provided
  • 1.0.4: Bugfix: support empty files in an archive
  • 1.0.5: Bugfix: support archives larger than 2GB
  • 1.0.7: Bugfix: clear outgoing “Accept-Ranges” header
  • 1.0.8: Bugfix: strip “Range” header from subrequests


Send bug reports to Evan Miller.

mod_zip on GitHub.


Thanks to for sponsoring the initial development of mod_zip and to for sponsoring byte-range support.