Web Server Load Balancing with NGINX Plus

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Announcing NGINX Plus R17

NGINX Plus R17 introduces support for two-stage rate limiting and TLS 1.3, the latest version of the Transport Layer Security protocol. Configuration of OpenID Connect is simpler and NGINX ModSecurity WAF is 2x faster than before. The NGINX JavaScript module has also been updated.

Announcing NGINX Plus R16

NGINX Plus R16 is a single, elastic ingress and egress tier for applications, consolidating the functionality of a load balancer, API gateway, and WAF with new features like cluster‑aware rate limiting, key‑value store, Random with Two Choices, enhanced UDP load balancing, and more.

Web Server

A web server stores and delivers the content for a website – such as text, images, video, and application data… Learn more about web applications, WAF, and more in our NGINX learning and resources section.

PCI DSS Best Practices with NGINX Plus

It's easy to implement PCI DSS best practices, such as using new versions of TLS rather than the older SSL, encrypting upstream as well as downstream communications, and adding a WAF, with NGINX Plus. Taking these steps will help you pass PCI DSS audits. Here's how to implement them.

Announcing NGINX Plus R15

NGINX Plus R15 introduces native gRPC proxying (used by Istio and other service mesh architectures), HTTP/2 server push, state sharing in a cluster, API gateway enhancements, OpenID Connect integration, NGINX JavaScript (njs) module enhancements, a new ALPN variable, dynamic module updates, and more.