Web Server Load Balancing with NGINX Plus

Derek DeJonghe

Job title : Director of Architecture
Company : RightBrain Networks
Derek DeJonghe

Derek DeJonghe has had a lifelong passion for technology. His in‑depth background and experience in web development, system administration, and networking give him a well‑rounded understanding of modern web architecture. Leading a team of cloud architects and solution engineers, to producing self‑healing, auto‑scaling infrastructure for numerous different applications, Derek specializes in cloud migrations and operations of all sizes. While designing, building, and maintaining highly available applications for clients, Derek often engages in an embedded consulting role for larger organizations as they embark on their journey to the cloud. Derek and his team are on the forefront of a technology tidal wave and are engineering cloud best practices every day. With a proven track record for resilient cloud architecture, Derek helps RightBrainNetworks be one of the strongest cloud consulting agencies and managed service providers in partnership with AWS today.

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